What are your tasks?

  • You design their digital roadmap together with the decision-makers on the customer side
  • You discuss, moderate, prioritise and decide on their technical requirements together with the specialist departments, taking the roadmap into account
  • You use agile consulting and creative methods in workshops to achieve the stated goals
  • With your technical expertise, you lead our customers and orchestrate the different project streams across departments
  • You support our agile teams in the implementation of the projects
  • You support our sales team in winning new customers

"Wenn du einen schlechten Prozess digitalisierst, hast du einen schlechten digitalen Prozess!" Als Business Consultant bei communicode stellen wir mit unserer Industrieexpertise, kritischen Fragen und mehrwertorientierten Ansätzen sicher, dass digitale Initiativen eben kein 1:1 Bild der aktuellen Situation sind.

Michael Wolfframm | Director Digital Experience & Business

What makes you stand out?

  • You have successfully completed a business (computer science, engineering) degree
  • You have already gained professional experience in the digital environment, e.g. in a manufacturing or trading company in B2B business or trade in general
  • Ideally, you have already had contact with a large customer experience suite (e.g. SAP, Salesforce, Adobe)
  • You have strong methodological and communication skills as well as very good presentation skills and do not shy away from conflict management with the respective stakeholders
  • You have very good written and spoken German and English skills

What do we offer?

  • With us, working hours are flexible and remote working is just as possible as working in the office
  • Sharing knowledge and learning new things are our credo: in daily teamwork, but also in monthly OpenSpaces and our annual communiversity, which offer space for exchange, creativity and further development
  • We use modern technologies and tools, such as Gitlab, Containerization (Docker), Kubernetes, Terraform... and some more
  • The free choice between MacOS or Windows devices as well as an iPhone are just as natural for us as extensive social benefits and other amenities when you are in the office
  • Respectful and professional cooperation as well as a friendly and indulgent approach to each other are just as much a part of what we offer as the fun factor, team spirit and numerous initiatives around sports and games, which also play a role in our work after hours