Recent articles

Is a DAM migration the right way for me?

Do I even need a new DAM system or will the old one do for a while? It depends, we think. We'll show you what in our article.

Philipp Reichardt
Philipp Reichardt
Article from
How a good PIM promotes employee motivation

PIM and the intrinsic motivation of its users - how does that fit together? Our colleague is happy to answer this question.

Daniel Kaiser
Daniel Kaiser
Article from
PXC 24.0 - The new Contentserv update is here

We take a closer look at the new Contentserv release and highlight the strongest new features that we particularly like.

Philipp Reichardt
Philipp Reichardt
Article from
CELUM Content 24.4 Release-Prospect

The new CELUM CONTENT 24.4 release is here and brings with it many new improvements, which we would like to briefly introduce to you today.

Article from
Agile Ruhr Camp 2024: Agile is brilliant because...

Alexander Thiel attended the Agile Ruhr Camp for the first time and shares his impressions and learnings in this article.

Alexander Thiel
Alexander Thiel
Article from
More performance in your storefront with Shopware 6.6

With the update to version 6.6, Shopware also delivers improved performance in the storefront, as our article shows.

Andreas Greif
Andreas Greif
Article from
Individualized product information for a wide range of customer needs

It's the challenge of B2B sales: how can product information be prepared in such a way that it benefits all user groups equally and makes customers happy? We have investigated this question.

Philipp Reichardt
Philipp Reichardt
Article from
Shopware 6.5: New features for e-commerce excellence

We take a look at the features in Shopware 6.5 that will take your e-commerce operations to the next level.

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Low-code platform for better DAM projects

Low-code and DAM: A harmonious and productive combination. Why this is so and what low-code does for your project, we show in our new article.

Mike Schäfer
Mike Schäfer
Article from