Advantages of Agile PIM

Agile PIM Project Method & Strategy

  • The world is in constant digital change - keep up with the times with your product communication
  • Agile development, introduction & expansion of your PIM strategy means rapid value creation
  • You push adaptive and continuously developed or optimised processes & data
  • You quickly receive functioning and productive software

State of the Art Product Communication is your Competitive Advantage

  • Agile PIM is the answer to rapidly changing market and environmental variables
  • Risks are recognised earlier and avoided
  • Agile communication potentials are used fully and promptly

Agile PIM project methodology & strategy

  • An agile culture enriches change management processes and results in high quality product information management.
  • An agile culture promotes new, more effective processes and makes them visible
  • The method increases the acceptance of all participants and improves the cooperation in the long term.
  • With Agile PIM you pursue your goals more consistently and achieve measurable results faster

Successfully implement your PIM project with us - agile and transparent

Agile PIM is product information management by doing

Accelerate processes in the company

With Agile PIM, communicode has developed a Change Management method which introduces complex data worlds and collaborative processes in manageable steps for companies. Optimisations are possible at any time and new requirements are welcome. This accelerates the process around your digital business transformation and secures your investment.

Acting customer-centred in the market

We reveal how Agile PIM can help you communicate faster, in a more customer-centric and multi-layered way. You become more visible in the market, increase your reach and become more attractive to your customers than the competition. Agile PIM makes it easier to conquer new markets quickly and to react adequately to changes.

Implementing PIM projects successfully

Product Information Management is a complex topic and never linear. Our Agile PIM offer makes the topic transparent and actively promotes change management through a better understanding of the requirements of all specialist departments. This helps to successfully complete PIM projects through more acceptance and with a common goal definition in the sense of all stakeholders.

The advantages of the agile PIM project methodology at a glance

The first goal on the way to marketing automation at Stadtwerke was to deal with the data on a global level. Since no one at SWS had an overall view of the various systems, this was necessary. Now it is possible to analyse the actual state quasi playfully and measures can be taken to improve the data quality.

Michael Ochtrop | Principal Consultant, communicode AG

Get to know us and our agile PIM project method.

With our support, we will turn you into a Product Information Management specialist that is one step ahead of your competitors.

Let's talk about it: This is the first step on the way to better communication. For a common understanding and better results.

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