DevOps Gathering Reloaded – Webinar with Rainer Stropek

A few weeks ago, communicode organized the IT knowledge conference DevOps Gathering in Bochum. Together with numerous guests, we followed the inspiring lectures and workshops and used the time for professional exchange. Rainer Stropek was planned as one of the speakers. Unfortunately, he was unable to present his lecture "Serverless Azure Functions in the Azure Cloud" at short notice. communicode was able to persuade him to catch up on the lecture on May 6th at 1 p.m. and to present it in the form of a free webinar. A recording of the webinar is available here.

Serverless Azure Functions in the Azure Cloud

Azure already had a strong focus on PaaS ten years ago. Serverless computing has of course also become particularly important for the Microsoft cloud in the recent past. Rainer Stropek has been using Azure since the first technical preview version and is therefore particularly familiar with the subject. In his webinar, he will introduce viewers to how Azure works.

In the webinar, the internal functioning of Azure Function programming is examined in more detail using an example. The webinar is particularly interesting for programmers who want to know how they can benefit from Azure in their practical work.Rainer Stropek